Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Start of Something BIG

Tonight we had the Mbuthias, and Kiboi Njaga over for dinner. We had chicken and broccoli casserole, cantaloupe, watermelon, banana-blueberry bread, and cherry cobbler for dessert. As a matter of fact, it was delicious, thanks for wondering. We're in continuing talks with them about attempting to set up a NPO here in the U.S. in order to build an orphanage in Embu, Kenya. We've had several other meetings prior to this (with a few other mildly interested parties) and, generally speaking, I've come out of them feeling pretty frustrated - like we've just spent a very pleasant evening talking in circles, since none of us is really an expert in this sort of thing. But tonight we geniunely made progress. Not only did we decide on a Board of Directors, we actually came up with...drum roll please...a NAME. A name that strangely hasn't been taken by anyone else (please dear GOD that let statement be true when we try to register it next week). Now we just have to come up with some bylaws, register them, write up a mission statement, agree on that, convince a LOT of people to give us a LOT of their money, find a reputable builder in third world country, and about a zillion other things...but tonight, I am choosing to be delirious about coming up with a name, because for me this seems like the start of something BIG, immense really, that is going to change the lives of a few children forever.

So you want to know what the name is? The African Children's Project. Someday, you may find us at, but whatever you do, don't go there tonight, or tomorrow night because you will be sorely disappointed

The Freshour Family Board Room. Where BIG things happen...and we eat dinner.