Exceptional child that he is, Griffin enjoyed a rather extended birthday extravaganza this year. On the Thursday prior to his birthday, we took cupcakes and balloons to his preschool class and had a little party. One in which we were not responsible for the clean-up. I believe this is explanation enough as to why we are so happy to bring the festivities there year after year.
Our big plan on Griffin's actual birthday (Saturday) was to open some gifts and then go to Chuck E. Cheese, followed by a trip to the NASCAR Speedpark for putt-putt golf. But during the gift opening ceremony, my really, really old digital camera failed to perform...
It was fortuitous that I did not realize the camera was not working until we were trying to get out the door to Chuck E. Cheese or my tantrum might have put a bit of a damper on several precious gift giving moments (all of which I have very fuzzy pictures of). Instead it prompted a last ditch effort trip to the camera store for a new rechargable battery which put us a little behind. Speaking of rechargable batteries, is it entirely unreasonable to think that they should come charged like regular batteries? Fortunately, my quick thinking husband packed the charger, but when we got to Chuck's, we couldn't find an outlet. Anywhere. Look around next time you go. There is clearly an abundance of electricty flowing through the place, but nary an outlet to be found. Alas, I have no pictures of Griffin's party at Chuck's either. You'll just have to believe me that he had a fine time. So fine, in fact, that we didn't get out of there until 2:30pm and then he napped until 5:00pm. Effectively killing the minature golf outing.
Over the course of the next week or so Griffin...
watched Peyton learn to navigate the play area at Northlake Mall,
We finally made it to play minature golf last weekend, but Blogger is having some problems at the moment and won't let me import any pictures of the event, so I will leave you all here in suspense for a few hours. Or days. Depending on when I can steal another few moments to continue this chronicle.
(Any Blogger users out there thinking about moving to Word Press or am I alone in my frustration here?)
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