Miraculously, days before we left I managed to find the exact same Pathfinder child carrier on Craigslist for less than half the retail price!
Peyton loved it. More importantly, the people who carried her around when her little legs got tired loved it. Suffice it to say, it was worth every cent - especially since those cents came from the Craigslist sale of our old Crate and Barrel kitchen island a few days before.
There are loads of small rocks for throwing...
and larger rocks perfect for an almost 4-year old to climb.
The shallow pools are just the right depth for people only 30-inches high on a tall day.
You can even take off your shoes if you want.
But if you do, you are definitely going to need your older brother's help if you want to get anywhere. (Please take a moment to observe and note that Carter is not hanging out in his jags like he was last year. Peyton, well, let's just say I hadn't anticipated her enthusiasm in wanting to try EVERYTHING her brothers were doing.)
It's a dogs life, really. Wait a minute. We don't have a dog.
Oh Hello, Cousin Patrick and Cassie. Cousin Patrick is one of those friends who sticks closer than a brother. In a pinch, he also makes a great 3rd parent - a manny of sorts.
Meanwhile, Carter was doing a little exploring of his own. It looks to me like he's found something.
He's going in for a closer look. Whatever could it be?
Why it looks like he's found a snake with a fish in its mouth. Every mother's dream nature discovery! (Insert Jeff imploring Carter in a panicky tone not to touch it here. Repeat 5 x.)
It's the kind of sight that makes an afternoon in Gatlinburg look both enticing and tame. I may even spring for a haute couture airbrushed t-shirt.
Yeah, this is definitely more my speed.
At 18-months. Peyton, is that you?
Kindergarten calls. It's also calling Jeff's oldest son, Carter, and Carter's mother has had one heck of a day thinking about watching her firstborn get on the bus for the very first time next week. Thusly, the Kindergartener you see above had to put up with with a rather large truckload of emotional crap today that Carter's mother couldn't quite explain.
Is it just me or does the 1st grader above look nothing like the Kindergartener - excepting the glasses, of course. Those are rather difficult to get around. Anyway, it's like his whole face changed between Kindergarten and 1st grade.
This picture was taken in the early 80's, that we know for sure. So I'm guessing 5th or 6th grade?
Hey Moms, you know what would be a good idea? If you forsook the reading of this lame post to go write the ages of your kids on the back of ALL of their pictures. Their wives will thank you later. But probably not their husbands. Unless, of course, your daughter happens to marry someone with a blog who shamelessly takes complete advantage of her matchless sense of humor and goodnaturedness.
For reasons I am quite sure I do not need to elaborate on, this is bar none my absolute favorite picture of my husband. I met him in 11th grade and he looked EXACTLY like this.
This is Jeff at
Prom Banquet with someone who looks like she could get up and dance the Flamenco at any moment in that dress. It's curious as to why her date wore red, is it not? Perhaps he remembered from his 1st grade picture that he looks great in red. Or maybe he is trying to complete the Spanish theme with a matador flare?
Finally, I give you Jeff's crowning high school moment in which he gets both the diploma and the girl.
Happy 37th Birthday tomorrow, my Love.
Sweet Mother of Pearl, I find this image disturbing.
Just so everyone knows, flamingos frolicking on the shores of Lake Nakuru (where the Tennessee orange flamingos had to have been snatched from) look like this. I feel confident in saying that the LA Zoo flamingos could use some algae in their diet.
These last two pictures are not LA Zoo pictures but they should be. Joy and I came across this strange vehicle while traveling on the 605 on the way to her first shower. It appears to be a three-wheeler of some sort.
But upon further inspection, we find that it is actually a converted motorcycle towing a milk crate with a circa 1970's lawn chair in the back.